Let’s talk about beets, baby…

IMG_7175Beetroot has come a long way from being seen as something pickled in a jar. This fibrous, sweet and iron rich root vegetable has been used since the Roman times where it had a reputation for being a blood purifier and cleanser of the liver and intestines. Continue reading “Let’s talk about beets, baby…”

Bone health is on the menu…



Having just come back from Mallorca and the beautiful city of Palma, I was struck by the immediate benefit that being in the warm sun has on us northern Europeans. The sunshine eases our moods and we become fun, frivolous and feel alive. Everything seems possible and little joys can make a huge difference. Like finding the last sunny table in your favourite cafe and knowing you’ve got a little extra time to spare… just heaven. Continue reading “Bone health is on the menu…”

It’s Yoga, Baby

How do you take your yoga?

I’ve dabbled with yoga for a long time now and always found it comforting and relaxing yet I never really ‘got’ it. Until recently. Since starting hot yoga I have come to look forward to the sweat, stretch and bend which comes with the 90 min class that I do and I can really feel the benefits, mentally and physically. It is intense for sure but also strangely meditative which is one of the great benefits of the practice that I didn’t expect. The atmosphere is utterly inclusive and non-judgemental, which for beginners can come as a great relief. And for those who think hot yoga is a bit of gentle stretching in a warm room, think again. Our instructor, Ben, is a true testament to the fact that yoga works both on the inside and most definitely on the outside too. Continue reading “It’s Yoga, Baby”

Vegan lunch for 2


Summer 2017 is beckoning and I don’t know about you but I’m already smelling spring in the air. Yesterday’s weather was simply gorgeous and after a long and sunny walk in Richmond Park, complete with plenty of deer spotting, I was inspired to conjure up something light, healthy and skin friendly for lunch. After all, visualising one’s beach body is always a sobering prospect in February so nutritious and lo-cal were the key requirements for the menu.

My lovely mum who is visiting from Sweden was my lunch date. Her skin beats most 40-year-olds and she is most definitely proof that you are what you eat. She simply glows. Continue reading “Vegan lunch for 2”