Food assembly vs. cooking



I’m a firm believer in something I tend to call food assembly. With that I mean arranging various bits of food (mainly veg and grains) to create a meal consisting of many dishes rather than just one. The days of trying to create something fancy, or perfectly timed, are firmly over in my world. Not that I can say I was ever a great cook and that is probably why I find the art of food assembly so very, very appealing. Continue reading “Food assembly vs. cooking”

Vegan lunch for 2


Summer 2017 is beckoning and I don’t know about you but I’m already smelling spring in the air. Yesterday’s weather was simply gorgeous and after a long and sunny walk in Richmond Park, complete with plenty of deer spotting, I was inspired to conjure up something light, healthy and skin friendly for lunch. After all, visualising one’s beach body is always a sobering prospect in February so nutritious and lo-cal were the key requirements for the menu.

My lovely mum who is visiting from Sweden was my lunch date. Her skin beats most 40-year-olds and she is most definitely proof that you are what you eat. She simply glows. Continue reading “Vegan lunch for 2”

Pea and Cauliflower Bowl

If I was in my twenties, my girl crush would be Deliciously Ella. She has single-handedly changed the face of what a vegan may look and be like which is no small matter.  If in the past you would have let your imagination run riot and conjure up a physical manifestation of a vegan, Deliciously Ella would not have been it, let’s be honest. Continue reading “Pea and Cauliflower Bowl”

5 minute vegan Pad Thai



I’m impulsive and impatient when it comes to almost everything. No long thought out plan for me – instead I fly by the seat of my pants in the hope that my intuition will guide me in the right direction through life. This applies to cooking too. Occasionally I plan but mostly I open the fridge and hope there is enough in there for me to do something with, and quick. Continue reading “5 minute vegan Pad Thai”