Be your own happy…


As I’m speeding ahead, full force, to qualifying as a Solution Focused Clinical Hypnotherapist,  some things has had to take a back seat. Like not blogging for what seems like ages…

But the good news is that what I’m learning is pretty priceless. Like how we can become our own makers of happy chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline – the ones which makes us joyful, content and motivated. How do we make them ourselves? Well it is not unique to hypnotherapy, or any other therapy for that matter, but it is very much down to our daily habits for which hypnotherapy can help; Continue reading “Be your own happy…”

Musings making Kombucha…

It’s been some time since I last wrote a blog and I’ve missed it – a lot.

Here in the GreenSwede household we’ve been a bit under the weather and as these things go, it has dove tailed with the snow, cold and general sentiment that in is definately better than out. Continue reading “Musings making Kombucha…”

Sharing the love, your way…

Me and my wonderful mother…


Prioritise those that matter and love eachother…

It’s a simple message but one that is often forgotten and shoved to the side to make room for chores, commitments and general daily stuff that gets first priority. But it doesn’t take much to send a message or make a quick call, reminding someone who’s alone or struggling that you are still there. Yet we often don’t contact our loved ones as we feel harrassed, stressed or unable to state our needs clearly when we know it clashes with the needs of those we love. Continue reading “Sharing the love, your way…”

Food assembly vs. cooking



I’m a firm believer in something I tend to call food assembly. With that I mean arranging various bits of food (mainly veg and grains) to create a meal consisting of many dishes rather than just one. The days of trying to create something fancy, or perfectly timed, are firmly over in my world. Not that I can say I was ever a great cook and that is probably why I find the art of food assembly so very, very appealing. Continue reading “Food assembly vs. cooking”