Yoga and Tara Stiles


I may be a bit slow off the mark but it was not long ago since I realised just how awesome YouTube could be. Yes I know. I was equally slow in the uptake of iTunes and Spotify – the latter which I could now not live without. In marketing speak, I am not what you may call an early adopter. Still, I’m with the programme now and loving the goodies YouTube is able to provide me with, especially whilst on holiday.

Which leads me nicely on to Tara Stiles, the yoga rebel with the renowned yoga studio, Strala, in New York. Model, yoga teacher, recipe maker Tara is a lovely example of someone who has forged her own path by being authentic and true to her beliefs. This is what Jane Fonda has to say about her:

One of the things I like about her is her ability to make yoga accessible to people who might be scared of it or think it might be too esoteric,”
–Jane Fonda

I’ve always been a huge Fonda fan so what is good enough for her is good enough for me. What I had not realized was just how much of Tara’s yoga stuff that is accessible free on YouTube. You can literally have morning, lunch and dinner yoga, yoga for bums and tums, the perfect beach body, releasing stress, loosing weight and so on. You get the picture. Her instruction is calm, easy to follow and inclusive. There are videos for beginners, intermediates and advanced practitioners and the good news is that they are not long, the average video is about 10 – 12 minutes. What’s not to like?  I am naturally a huge fan. And as I am in beach land and surrounded by buff surfer bodies, male and female, I was inspired by Tara’s beach body yoga session this morning.

As part of her yoga lifestyle Tara also posts great videos on healthy eating, like this yummy detox kale salad.

Happy yoga Monday x


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