Musings making Kombucha…

It’s been some time since I last wrote a blog and I’ve missed it – a lot.

Here in the GreenSwede household we’ve been a bit under the weather and as these things go, it has dove tailed with the snow, cold and general sentiment that in is definately better than out. Continue reading “Musings making Kombucha…”

Juice cleanse

My Greenswede juice cleanse is now live… yey!

I recently finished the one day fast and I can’t tell you how much lighter and better I felt. And that is after just one day! Imagine three, or five days? Granted I am quite happy with short fasts as I enjoy my food way too much but fasting is an ancient way of giving our digestive system a real break. And the need for it has not changed with modernity, quite the opposite in fact. Continue reading “Juice cleanse”

The benefits of a daily juice practice


I can tell you straight away what attracted me to juicing in general and vegetable juice in particular. The very fact that you can get a whole day’s supply of vital nutrients disbursed into your system within a couple of minutes.  To be clear,  I am not talking a small glass here but a good 250ml or ideally 500ml, on an empty stomach. But then you’re so done! Continue reading “The benefits of a daily juice practice”

Start your day the porridge way

There is nothing like the promise of a new day. Each morning when you wake up, you have a choice of what you want your day to be like. We have unlimited creative power to choose what works and what doesn’t. We don’t have to be trapped in unsatisfactory situations, instead we can transform our lives overnight. How liberating! Continue reading “Start your day the porridge way”