Gluten Free Pancakes



Mornings can be a stressful time to advocate healthy eating for our children. In the rush to get to school/work we tend to serve what we know they’ll eat and what is quick. More often than not this means cereal, toast and fruit.  Although studies have shown repeatedly that a diet high in carbohydrates causes our insulin levels to soar, due to the carbs transforming into blood sugar (and this very much includes ‘healthy’ options such as whole wheat too), we are stuck with what a sensible and realistic option may look like.

Wheat Belly; Lose the Wheat Lose the Weight author, Dr William Davies, even claims that two slices of whole wheat toast raises blood sugar higher than eating a Snickers bar and is equivalent of 6 teaspoons of sugar!! Although a cardiologist, in his clinical practice he has seen the removal of wheat consumption linked to improvement in many other areas than the heart, such as irritable bowl syndrome, asthma, arthritis, celiac disease, mental clarity, deeper sleep and emotional stability. Read Dr. Davies blog to find out more about his findings.

Sending your kids off to school with a belly full of sugar, therefore, may be less than a desirable route to go so what to do? My dear friend Marika, a  seasoned physio with an interest in alternative health, suggests that the introduction of gluten free pancakes could be the answer to the breakfast dilemma. With four young children, some with gluten intolerance,  she has found it to be a popular and nourishing start to the day in her family.  The wheat flour is replaced by coconut flour or ground almonds – both readily available from Ocado and Waitrose in the UK but other general supermarkets too such as Whole Foods. The eggs provides much needed protein and the banana gives the sweetness without giving away the fact it isn’t made with ‘normal’ flour. It was my  breakfast this morning and it was absolutely delicious topped with blueberries. Great recipe that I will try with my children this week. x

Marika’s Gluten Free Pancakes – serves 4

1 cup ground almonds/coconut flour (I used a mixture of both)

5 eggs

1 banana

1-2 cups of milk or milk alternative (coconut is my favorite)

Coconut oil for cooking

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until you have reached desired pancake batter consistency – start out with less liquid and add as you go along so it doesn’t get too runny. Cook like normal in a pan with coconut oil – I find you have to cook them a little longer so they don’t disintegrate as the absence of gluten means that the glue (hence the name) in regular flour isn’t there. Serve on its own or with berries. Happy Sunday x