5 minute vegan Pad Thai



I’m impulsive and impatient when it comes to almost everything. No long thought out plan for me – instead I fly by the seat of my pants in the hope that my intuition will guide me in the right direction through life. This applies to cooking too. Occasionally I plan but mostly I open the fridge and hope there is enough in there for me to do something with, and quick. Continue reading “5 minute vegan Pad Thai”

Courgetti and other things..


Pasta and I had a love affair for some years. My children grew up on the stuff and it was always the go-to dish for me throughout my 20s and 30s. If pasta was on the menu, things were going to be alright in my world. I was never wild on meat, could take it or leave it really, but pasta and bread were on top of my list of stuff I would struggle without. Carb girl, me.

Fast forward and today I can’t wait to get my spiraliser out to make courgette pasta smothered in my home-made pesto – the more colourful courgettes the better too. Do I eat regular, gluten packed pasta today? Not if I can help it – on the rare occasions that I do, the effects are immediate. I am NOT gluten intolerant or allergic, yet I feel bloated, tired and edgy. Fresh veg wins hands down every time for me these days.   The brilliant nutritionist of the moment, Amelia Freer  (credited with Sam Smith’s recent weight loss), says in her excellent book Eat, Nourish, Glow that she eats 10-13 servings of fresh veg and fruit PER DAY! Only three of those servings are fruit by the way. The rest is pure veg in all varieties. She glows and is testament to what a great diet can do. Continue reading “Courgetti and other things..”