A little rant…

I saw an interesting Horizon documentary on BBC iPlayer the other night called ‘Clean Eating The Dirty Truth’‘. The documentary featured Dr. Giles Yeo, an eminent Cambridge biochemist, who’s quest it was to unearth if there was the real truth behind claims made by healthy eating bloggers such as Deliciously Ella, the Helmsley & Helmsley sisters and Natasha Corrett, the author of Honestly Healthy. He was also trying to find the origins of the blogger’s inspiration, which took him to the US where he met the authors of three influential tombs, Wheat Belly, The China Study, and The PH Miracle Diet, to find out just how these medical doctors reached their conclusions. Some of his findings turned out to be quite problematic and highlighted that even in the healthy eating sphere you will find unscrupulous operators mainly interested in profit – not unlike any other area of business.
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