Start right!

Why stress and a bad diet can equal low mood.

We know the importance of breakfast – of heading out into the world with a belly satiated and content. We’ve been told this since childhood. Yet many of us hit the road running on empty, leaving just enough time to pop into the nearest coffee shop (where the line is long, making us late which adds stress) to grab a coffee and croissant. Continue reading “Start right!”

Cafe Gratitude, Venice Beach

As an enthusiastic health food blogger and green juice maker I am always on the lookout for new and wonderful food ventures. California, with West Hollywood and Venice Beach leading the way, has a reputation for being the mecca of yoga, meditation and all things green, mean and vegan. Having just returned back from LA I can tell you that it is all still true. Continue reading “Cafe Gratitude, Venice Beach”

Breakfast musings

I’ve talked about habits in the past. Like how to incorporate new behaviour into your everyday life and make it stick. Great morning routines, such as meditating or eating well, can really change how you carry on your daily business. Meditation calms the inner chatter and enables you to focus on tasks at hand or for new ideas to hatch. Changing your diet for the better is another surefire route to a better quality of life as it fuels your energy, nourishes your cells, fills you up (but not uncomfortably so) and help you stay satiated for longer.  Changing daily habits therefore has the potential to rock your universe in more ways than one which is welcome news. Continue reading “Breakfast musings”

Tune in


Stressful life situations can bring out the worst in all of us. We over-analyze, fret, escape from painful feelings and generally keep ourselves super busy hoping things will get better or, ideally, go away. More often than not, however, looking outward for a solution to our problems tend to bring meagre returns – at the end of the day we can’t fix that over which we have no control no matter how much we try. Continue reading “Tune in”