Post Workout Recovery Juice


One of the best pieces of advice I have ever been given is that in order to stay healthy you’ve got to keep eating. Sounds like a  no brainer perhaps but don’t we all tend to reduce intake when waist lines increases? It is a totally understandable reaction and one which we think will gain us quick benefits – only it doesn’t. Stop refuelling and your body goes into lock down and holds on to all you’ve got. Yes, the fat too. So the key is not to stop eating but to change what you are eating in order to get your bod to start utilising nutrients in a more effective way.

Same goes for exercise. Before and after a work out you need to prepare and replenish your body in order for things to recover and improve. You need energy to get you through, whilst hydration and repair prevent muscle damage afterwards. By omitting this you are not maximising the benefits of your work out. Juicing is an excellent way to quickly fuel up on good vitamins and minerals and by bringing your juice to and from the gym you are making sure you are never more than 20 seconds from a refuel. Here is a Greenswede favorite recovery juice which we use for post work out drinking.


Carrots and oranges are loaded with vitamin C, beta-carotene and potassium, perfect for muscle recovery. Apples contains potassium whilst also hydrating and detoxifying. Ginger contains potassium, sodium and zink – relieves and soothes inflammation and pain. Drink this straight after an intense work out!.


Post Work Out Recovery Juice

2-3 carrots
1 orange
1 apple
1″ ginger root, peeled

Juice all and pour over some ice for a refreshing post work out tonic! This tastes so good you may need to make a double load. X

3 thoughts on “Post Workout Recovery Juice

  1. isabelmariaguerra

    Thank you once again for another great article and advice. I would like to ask you if you have already heard about the Institute for Integretive Nutrition? If yes, what is your view? Is there anything similar in Europe?
    kind regards,

    • The Green Swede

      Hi Maria and thanks for commenting on the blog. I have heard about that course and although I am sure it is a robust curriculum I would be concerned by lack of clinical hours under supervision. Have you looked into cnm (college for naturopathic medicine) or institute for optimum nutrition? Both are in the uk. Have a look and see what you think. Hope it helps. All best Birgitta

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