Your Gut Rules


We all know the importance of a healthy gut. From the gut stems our well being and immune system and more times than not this is the perfect place to start when you are searching for radiant health. If you don’t already take a good Pro-biotic each day then perhaps you should consider it for your family. There are children friendly versions in most health food shops. Pro-biotics are friendly bacteria and yeast which lives in our gut and keeps us healthy and balanced – and we simply do no get enough of it in this age of convenience foods and mineral depleted soils.

But did you know that even the friendly bacteria and yeast, that which Pro-biotics consist of, need food to? Enter Pre-biotics or resistant starch, indigestible substances that pass through our gastrointestinal tract and promote the growth of good bacteria in our lower bowel.

Pre-biotics are found in green bananas, raw potatoes, cooked and cooled potatoes, beans and cold rice. Think cold potato and rice salads with plenty of mixed veg, yum. This is also good news if you have been worried about eating potatoes due to the high starch content – rest assured that by consuming them cold, in salads for example, you are actually doing a fab thing for your gut! Read here how to make your own pro and pre-biotic from the informative blog Wellness Mama.

So while we are on the subject of cold potatoes, I have always adored my lovely Mum’s German potato salad. This is something we’ve had since I was a small child and even today I still get ridiculously excited when she makes it. It is filled with cold potatoes, apple cider vinegar and healthy olive oil – positively brimming with life. Enjoy. X




Mum’s German Potato Salad

(serves 4)

10-12 organic new potatoes

250g organic fine green beans

1/2 red onion, cut finely

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tsp Dijon mustard (more if you dare)

1/2 tbsp capers

Himalayan salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook potatoes until just done and drain. Let cool. This can be done overnight if possible. Steam green beans until just al dente and let cool.

2. Once ready to make the salad, mix the oil, vinegar, mustard into a dressing and flavour with salt and pepper until you’re happy with taste. Gently place potatoes and beans in a large serving dish and sprinkle the onions and capers on top.

3. Drizzle the dressing over salad and gently distribute the veg until all is covered. As potatoes and beans are cooked they are delicate and break easy so be gentle when mixing as it looks lovely when all intact. Happy days…. 🙂

something we’ve had since I was a small child and even today I still get ridiculously excited when she makes it. It is filled with cold potatoes, apple cider vinegar and healthy olive oil – positively brimming with life. Enjoy. X

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