The Nutritious Super Smoothie


Being  back at home with my juicer and blender is more exciting than it ought to be. I didn’t think I could miss two machines as much as I have – but the truth is I feel 100% better drinking green juices and smoothies than when I don’t! Simple as that. After a month of going off piste in all kinds of foodie directions, not necessarily bad ones (although some were) and not consuming the amount of vegetables that I normally do, I started to feel really tired and lethargic. Spots were appearing out of nowhere (really?) and I just didn’t have the same amount of energy as I’m used to having. Time for action! After a massive vegetable shop my fridge is now full of goodies and this Green Swede is going back to basics.

Today’s smoothie recipe was filling and delicious as well as jam packed with nutrients. Here’s what my trusted book ‘Natural Wonderfoods’ says about the ingredients in it. Drink it and feel FABULOUS.


Avocado – monounsaturated fats, lecithin (improves brain function), high content of vitamin C, E and whole range of B, lutein (protects against eye problems and cardiovascular disease, tryptophan, folic acid (help to turn the tryptophan into serotonin, aka feel good hormone), potassium (staves off fatigue, depression and essential for healthy blood pressure and muscle contraction),rich in  fibre, high in omega-3 fatty acids (fight against wrinkles) and contains more protein than any other fruit.

Celery – known to stimulate kidneys and flush out our system, full of vitamin B and C, detoxifying, liver cleanser, useful antiseptic for urinary tract problems, calcium, iron, magnesium and selenium to normalise the body’s acid-alkaline balance.

Ginger – stimulates and promotes detoxification and circulation, fast acting cure for nausea, relieves indigestion, wind and colic, aids general absorption of nutrients, ease constipation, helps against fungal infections, regulates blood sugar, rich in zink (immune system), combats colds and influenza, clears congestion, expels phlegm and relieves coughs, antiseptic, ease pain and inflammation, used in treatments of joint problems, stimulates circulation and lowers blood pressure. Use in juices, smoothies or add to hot water and drink as a tea.

Cucumber – one of the best diuretic foods (Egyptians, Greeks and Romans knew a thing or two), mineral rich, kidney cleanser, alleviates puffy eyes and sunburn, anti-inflammatory, rich in fibre, ease constipation, rich in erepsin (enzyme that help break down protein), silica (strong hair and nails), magnesium, potassium. The minerals are clustered in the peel so make sure you buy organic as otherwise you’d remove the peel and could lose valuable nutrients.

Kale – high in beta carotene (body turns this into vitamin A), lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids (helps prevent eye disease), B6 and B12 (boosts brain power and prevents memory loss), improve energy and supports immune system, calcium, silica, detoxifier, flavonoids (aids circulation and stimulates immune response), vitamin C (anti-oxidant), vitamin K, iron, zink and rich in fibre.

Banana – tryptophan (promotes serotonin), ease depression, aid restful sleep, high levels of vitamin B, vitamin C, manganese, potassium, maintains healthy nerve and muscle function, lowers blood pressure, rich in fibre, acts as antacids (heartburn or ulcers), banana skin can soften corns and calluses.


The Nutritious Super Smoothie

(Makes 2 tumblers)

1 avocado

1/2 cucumber

2 handfuls of shredded kale

1 banana

2″ piece of ginger root

1 carrot

2 celery sticks

coconut water

1 large tbsp coconut oil

1 scoop green protein powder

Mix all in blender and enjoy. Enjoy and have a wonderful Saturday! x




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