Mellow Juice

Painting, blogging, green juice = happy me
Painting, blogging, green juice = happy me

I’ve come to realise that everything in life comes down to habits, good and bad. Having lofty ideas and wishing for a fit body is not going to cut it if our diet habits are bad. End of story. To expect different results by doing the same thing is pretty futile.

They way I live my life today is a far cry from the way I lived ten years ago and I’m sure you’re no different.  Age, knowledge, experience and being bothered all play their part in how and when we decide to change – but the encouraging aspect of looking back is the realisation that habits can be changed. Big changes often start small;  a friend recommends a book, you read an article, topic comes up in conversation with friends and before you know it you have created an intention to change. Once the intention is there, forming a new habit feels like the logical next step.


For me it started with juicing, green juice that is – and incorporating more greens into my diet whilst reducing meat intake. I’m not a purist and nor do I want to be but following the 80-20 rule makes me feel much more balanced, toned and energetic. More importantly however, is our outlook on life which plays a vital part in feeling well and happy. Our bodies and minds are inextricably linked and with one out of sync the other cant thrive. So these days I have a green juice before kicking off my day, I try to limit stress and I meditate as regularly as I can – ideally first thing in the morning. I don’t eat when I’m upset or stressed, I limit my portions and I exercise gently. All these changes to my habits have occurred slowly and almost seamlessly. Interestingly, when you change your habits you don’t always get good feedback – others may be intensely irritated by the changes happening in your life and try to ridicule or dissuade you from carrying on. No matter. Go your own way as authentically as you can – only you know your own truth. Let’s drink juice, be kind, don’t judge… I wish you all a very mellow Wednesday. It may not feel like Summer in grey London but it’s on its way.. X

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